More about Sheng

Sheng Wang offers an invaluable combination of local knowledge and global perspective. Raised in Beijing, he possesses a deep understanding of Chinese culture and has extensive connections. Serving as a bridge between China and Germany, Sheng uses his expertise and contacts to maintain and further develop effective and profitable relationships with his team. His role is essential for the company’s growth and success in both countries.

Sheng Wang

Team Lead China

More about Sheng

Sheng Wang offers an invaluable combination of local knowledge and global perspective. Raised in Beijing, he possesses a deep understanding of Chinese culture and has extensive connections. Serving as a bridge between China and Germany, Sheng uses his expertise and contacts to maintain and further develop effective and profitable relationships with his team. His role is essential for the company’s growth and success in both countries.

Sheng Wang

Team Lead China
Other Locations

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to meet you.

We are looking forward to meet you.

Philipp Hartmann

CEO and Team Lead Germany

Thomas Eichler

CEO and Team Lead Malaysia

Fabian Eichler

Authorized Officer and Team Lead Colombia

Ye Jiang

Team Lead Applicant Care

Ralf Landauer

CEO and Team Lead India

Jan Müller

Psychologist and Team Lead Customer Care

Sabine Goldberg

Director Malaysia

Kevin Kashikar

CEO and Team Lead Germany