More about Jan

Jan Müller, Chief Customer Success at HonestPassion GmbH, incorporates his extensive education in psychology into his work, thereby creating a unique approach to customer success. His studies enable him to conduct an in-depth analysis and assessment of the cultural dynamics of individuals and companies.

With his understanding of human behavior and intercultural differences, Jan can precisely match talents and companies with his team. He can intuitively determine which personalities and abilities fit into which company environment.

This ability to identify the „right“ people for the „right“ company is not only an invaluable advantage for our customers but also plays a significant role in the successful placement of talents. Thus, Jan Müller is an essential part of the HonestPassion team and a key element of our customer success management.

Jan Müller

Psychologist and Team Lead Customer Care

More about Jan

Jan Müller, Chief Customer Success at HonestPassion GmbH, incorporates his extensive education in psychology into his work, thereby creating a unique approach to customer success. His studies enable him to conduct an in-depth analysis and assessment of the cultural dynamics of individuals and companies.

With his understanding of human behavior and intercultural differences, Jan can precisely match talents and companies with his team. He can intuitively determine which personalities and abilities fit into which company environment.

This ability to identify the „right“ people for the „right“ company is not only an invaluable advantage for our customers but also plays a significant role in the successful placement of talents. Thus, Jan Müller is an essential part of the HonestPassion team and a key element of our customer success management.

Jan Müller

Psychologist and Team Lead Customer Care
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Philipp Hartmann

CEO and Team Lead Germany

Thomas Eichler

CEO and Team Lead Malaysia

Fabian Eichler

Authorized Officer and Team Lead Colombia

Ye Jiang

Team Lead Applicant Care

Sheng Wang

CEO and Team Lead Malaysia

Ralf Landauer

CEO and Team Lead India

Sabine Goldberg

Director Malaysia

Kevi Kashikar

CEO and Team Lead Germany